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Water reuse in the circular economy framework

Last Date 10 05 2016
Event 10 05 2016 - 10 05 2016
Place Madrid, Madrid, Espagne

The Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS) and the Spanish Association of Desalination and Reuse (AEDyR) are organising the "Water reuse in the circular economy framework" (La reutilización del agua en el marco de la economía circular) on May 10th 2016 in Madrid, Spain.
The conference aims to address, from different angles, what is the role that the regeneration of the water in the new framework of circular economy which aims to reduce consumption and preserve raw materials, water and energy, thereby contributing to the conservation of the planet and promoting sustainable development.
The day will be structured in three topics:
- In the first of these challenges will be addressed in the governance of water reuse. To do this, the first part will be devoted to the presentation of what the situation / current position on water reuse in the European Commission, in Spain, in the urban water sector in Europe and in terms of international technical standards . Subsequently, a round table where issues related to the challenges of reuse with respect to the circular economy, public participation, engagement of stakeholders, innovation, finance and communication will be discussed will be held.
- The second block will discuss the latest advances in research and technology of regeneration, both from a more academic perspective and from the perspective of technological application, presenting the most innovative cases.
- Finally, in the last block practical applications of reuse will be presented. In this case it is intended to present real experiences of reuse, preferably the 5 types of uses listed in RD 1620/2007, in which they can share those related aspects arising from the reuse of reclaimed water, so that they serve model for other interested parties.

For more information: Please check the official website.

demEAUmed will be presented by LEITAT at this event.




All Dates

  • from 10 05 2016 to 10 05 2016
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.