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3rd EIP Water conference

Last Date 10 02 2016
Event 10 02 2016 - 10 02 2016
Place Leeuwarden, Pays-Bas

The 2016 Conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Water will be held on 10th February 2016 in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. It will carry the theme:"How is water innovation succeeding in Europe?"

The EIP Water conference will be preceded and followed by a number of side meetings as well as site visits on 9th and 11th February. Participants of the conference will learn about Leeuwarden’s unique features, attend site visits in the north of the Netherlands, and be able to participate in a series of side meetings before and after the event.

EIP Water has taken a central role on the European water innovation landscape, providing a platform for collaboration of all actors in the field of water and innovation. After a successful first EIP Water conference in November 2013 in Brussels, the second EIP Water Conference took place in November 2014 in Barcelona, Europe’s Innovation Capital 2014. More than 400 attendees participated in enlightening discussions on connecting water innovation demand and supply, learned about the activities of 25 EIP Water Action Groups, identified opportunities for collaboration and helped shape European water innovation policy.

EIP Water conferences are brilliant opportunities for strengthening pan-European and global networking for boosting innovation in the water sector. The organizers are confident that the 2016 conference in Leeuwarden will once again be an outstanding event for the European water sector and will contribute to removing innovation barriers and creating opportunities for more water innovation in Europe and globally.

EMWIS and ADASA will present demEAUmed project at this event.


All Dates

  • from 10 02 2016 to 10 02 2016
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.