Closing the water cycle
in Mediterranean tourist facilities

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6th International Conference Swimming Pool and Spa

Last Date 20 03 2015 12:15
Event 17 03 2015 12:15 - 20 03 2015 13:40
Place KIT – amsterdam - Stichting Vrienden van de Urbanuskerk te Nes aan de Amstel, Osdorperweg 104, 1066 EN Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

International scientists perform high quality research to safeguard and further improve the health benefits of swimming and bathing, based on research topics that include novel and updated disinfection techniques, water- and air treatment,bather safety (chemical, microbiological, and physical), education and surveillance.

The 6th International Conference Swimming Pool and Spa will continue the focus on health, safety and quality of swimming pools and spas with oral, flash and poster presentations during a three day conference.

For further information please check here.

UNESCO IHE and UVOX will represent demEAUmed project at this event.


All Dates

  • from 17 03 2015 to 20 03 2015
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.