Closing the water cycle
in Mediterranean tourist facilities

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2nd official MITOMED meeting

Last Date 16 01 2015 09:30
Event 15 01 2015 09:30 - 16 01 2015 12:00
Place Gérone, Gérone, Espagne

On 15-16 January 2015 the University of Girona hosted a meeting of international participants within the framework of the project MITOMED - Models of Integrated TOurism in the MEDiterranean.

The MITOMED project promotes an integrated model for sustainable management of coastal and maritime tourism across the Mediterranean by providing the knowledge of data, information, products, services and policies through an assessed system of indicators for sustainable tourism. It supports the EU Agenda for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism and Integrated Maritime Policy through an easily accessible system of data that can contribute to informed decision-making and an improved governance of the Mediterranean.

During the meeting, Mr. Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda, Senior Researcher at the Catalan Institute for Water Research  (ICRA) and Scientific Coordinator for the Water Campus at the University of Girona, provided a presentation on demEAUmed project; on the consortium, demEAUmed objectives, Water cycle diagnose: quantity/quality, Water treatment Expected results and Advisory board/Innovation/synergies. He also presented the HOTEL WATER CYCLE SURVEY and encouraged some of the targeted attendees to participate in it.


All Dates

  • from 15 01 2015 to 16 01 2015
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.