Closing the water cycle
in Mediterranean tourist facilities

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demEAUmed Newsletter no.1 demEAUmed Newsletter no.1 HOT

***demEAUmed Newsletter no.1***

  • Editorial
  • demEAUmed Project Overview
  • Demonstration Site: Hotel Samba
  • News from demEAUmed project:

a) Water cycles of Mediterranean tourist facilities: A challenge or an opportunity?

b) Identifying drivers for water treatment investments at touristic facilities

c) Integrating demEAUmed technologies at the demo site

d) An interview with demEAUmed advisory board member: Mona Arnold

e) An interview with demEAUmed scientific and technical manager: Dr. Gianluigi Buttiglieri

 To view the online version click here

Created 2016-02-26
Changed 2017-11-10
Size 2 MB
Created by Maha
Changed by Eric MINO
Downloads 2,232
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.