Closing the water cycle
in Mediterranean tourist facilities

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FuturENVIRO technical magazine (English), September 2014 FuturENVIRO technical magazine (English), September 2014 HOT

Article prepared b yADASA and published in  FuturEnviro in English and Spanish, a magazine with principal distribution in Spain and South America, more than 80000 subscriptions. The special edition “Gestión del Agua”, with 8000 printed issues has been distributed at: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition (Lisboa, 21-26 September) The Green Expo (Ciudad de México, 24-26 September)

Created 2014-09-25
Changed 2016-04-04
Size 322.04 KB
Created by Eric MINO
Changed by Maha
Downloads 2,916
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.