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Mediterranean Water Heroes Youth Contest

Last Date 22 03 2017 00:00
Event 21 03 2017 00:00 - 22 03 2017 00:00
Place Marseille, France

Every year, World Water Day draws the world’s attention to key global water issues. World Water Day 2017 focuses on Water and Wastewater. Wastewater can be a valuable resource in the circular economy and an efficient investment in the health of humans and ecosystems.

The MENA region is the most water scarce region in the world, with 15 countries in the region suffering from extreme water scarcity (less than 500 m³/year of renewable water per capita per year). Numerous phenomena are further worsening water security in the region, notably climate change and environmental factors, population growth, increased urbanization, ongoing water mismanagement and faulty water service provision systems. 

Youth has an important role to play in working towards water security and increased water awareness. Young people are involved in innovative water-related projects and research around the Mediterranean, and are key in securing a more sustainable water future in the region.

For all of these reasons, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) is organizing a youth-focused Mediterranean event entitled “Youth Innovating with Wastewater for a Sustainable Mediterranean”, on March 21-22 2017. The aim of this event is to focus on wastewater as an important means for combating water scarcity in the Mediterranean region

In the run-up to this event, the “Mediterranean Water Heroes” youth contest will offer young water activists from around the Mediterranean the opportunity to showcase their innovative work on wastewater and the circular economy.

demEAUmed project will be presented by SEMIDE at this contest!


All Dates

  • from 21 03 2017 to 22 03 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.