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MEP Water Group Public Session ‘Water-related Priorities for the Maltese EU Presidency’

Last Date 07 03 2017
Event 07 03 2017 - 07 03 2017
Place Brussels, Belgium

On the 7th of March, the MEP Water Group is organising, in collaboration with the Maltese EU presidency a public session on 'Water-Reuse – an effective tool to address water scarcity' from 14h30 to 16h30 at the European Parliament, Altiero Spinelli Building, 3rd floor, room E2. The session will be hosted by Esther de Lange, Chair of the MEP Water Group and will feature a panel of high-level speakers who will address the topic of water reuse as a tool for tackling water scarcity. The speaker lineup follows below:

  • Daniel AZZOPARDI, CEO- The Energy and Water Agency, Office of the Prime Minister (Energy & Projects), Malta
  • Bettina DOESER, Head of Unit, Clean Water Unit, DG Environment
  • Bernd GAWLIK, Action Leader, Water & Marine Resources Unit, EC Joint Research Centre
  • Emmanuel VAN HOUTTE, Director of Quality, Environment and HR, IWVA
  • Arjan BOOGAARDS, Senior VP & General Manager NALCO WATER Europe&Mea
  • Paul RÜBIG, Μember of the European Parliament, European People's Party

To register for the event, click here.


All Dates

  • from 07 03 2017 to 07 03 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.