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6th demEAUmed General Meeting

CategorydemEAUmed meetings
Last Date 19 01 2017
Event 18 01 2017 - 19 01 2017
Place Turm 3, Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Organised by Fraunhofer, demEAUmed 6th general meeting will be held on January 18-19th, 2017 to discuss the progress of the project and its planned activities for its final 6 months in the presence of the advisory board members: Günter langergraber and Mona Arnold.

The meeting will be kicked off with the 'lego serious play workshop' offered by LGI consulting for the technology providers. Following the workshop, a tour of Fraunhofer facilities located in Stuttgart will take place. After that, a presentation of the status of each work package and the related issues will be discussed. On the following day, the consortium will have round table discussions to evaluate the project's progress and plan the next actions including the final conference and the policy-makers workshop which are planned to take place in May 18th, 2017 in Barcelona. 

For more information on the meeting, please contact the Fraunhofer partner responsible for the 6th general meeting of demEAUmed project.


All Dates

  • from 18 01 2017 to 19 01 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.