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Symposium WaterLink

Last Date 26 01 2017
Event 26 01 2017 - 26 01 2017
Place Leeuwarden, NL

WaterLink is the annual symposium of the Water Alliance. The 5th edition of WaterLink will take place on January the 26th 2017. The symposium has a strong and attractive formula condensed in a one-day event with four main ingredients:

One inspiring plenary session
With keynote speakers shining a light on new ways of thinking and a pitching battle amongst innovative entrepreneurs competing for Water Alliance InnovationStimulation Award.

Eight interactive theme sessions
Running in parallel, so all Waterlink participants can join a session to their likings. Allowing them to discuss current issues on the theme/topic of their expertise/interest.

Theme sessions
Energy and Water, Go Global, Algae Toxins, Real Time Monitoring, Industry and Water, International Marketing and Communications, The Agri-Watercycle, Accelerating Resource, Recovery from the Water Cycle for a Circular Economy and Smart Water Cities.

Dedicated matchmaking sessions
The opportunity to have pre-arranged meetings with new potential business partners.

Informal networking opportunities
During natural breaks for coffee, lunch and dinner, but also on the exhibition floor.

Watertech experience bus tour
Prior WaterLink, on wednesday the 25th of January, there will be a watertech experience tour between Amsterdam Centraal and Leeuwarden with a few stops at interesting locations in the field of water technology. After WaterLink, Friday the 27th of January there will be another watertech experience tour back to Amsterdam.


All Dates

  • from 26 01 2017 to 26 01 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.