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Water JPI conference 2016

Last Date 19 05 2016
Event 19 05 2016 - 19 05 2016
Place Congress Centre Roma Eventi

The Water Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) hosted its 2016 Conference in Rome on May 19th, 2016. This international event is targeted to a wide range of stakeholders. It presented the new version of the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), and it organised discussions on how to implement the program and the benefits from international cooperation.
The WATER JPI SRIA version 2.0 lays out research, innovation and development needs in the water sector grouped by thematic areas and priorities selected after a stakeholders’ consultation for their scientific and societal importance and structured around these five core themes: Improving Ecosystem Sustainability and Human Well-being; Developing Safe Water Systems for the Citizens; Promoting Competitiveness in the Water Industry; Implementing a Water-Wise Bio-Based Economy; Closing the Water Cycle Gap Improving Sustainable water Resources Management.
Following keynotes from the European Commission, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, round-table discussions covered the identified water research priorities in the SRIA, its implementation, and the benefits of international cooperation to jointly tackle the grand challenge of achieving sustainable water systems in the world.
A poster session presenting the transnational projects funded to-date by the Water JPI as well as FP7 and H2020 took place during the conference. demEAUmed project was presented by ICRA and LEITAT.
For more Information on this conference and the Water JPI programme, please visit the official website.


All Dates

  • from 19 05 2016 to 19 05 2016
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.