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Creating Urban Tech Summit

Last Date 16 09 2015 07:00
Event 16 09 2015 07:00 - 16 09 2015 18:00
Place Berlin, Allemagne

The "Creating Urban Tech" conference series aims to concentrate and advance ideas, visions, and - naturally - also solutions for the needs of the metropolises of tomorrow. As a leading conference for the development of new urban technologies, "Creating Urban Tech" will serve to position Berlin, both nationally and internationally, as the location for technological developments in the urban sector during the years to come.

In the context of the summit, no less than 250 internationally recognized CEOs and urban-technology experts will debate the most important trends for urban tech over the next few years, as well as identifying strategies which modern major cities like Berlin can use to implement emerging developments in urban technology. Berlin is a modern international city which is always active at the forefront of the development and implementation of innovative urban technologies.

"Creating Urban Tech" focuses on opportunities for the responsible development of the world's growing major cities. To this end, technologies that make life and work in the cities of the future more worthwhile will be a central topic at the summit. However, while most international debates about smart cities are merely platforms for technology companies to present their new products for smart cities in the areas of networking, mobility, energy, and sustainability, "Creating Urban Tech" aims to go beyond this.

For more information: please check here.


Radtke Biotechnik will represent demEAUmed project at this event.



All Dates

  • from 16 09 2015 to 16 09 2015
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 619116.